"The Rockstars of NeoCon are the Independent Rep’s!"
06/16/23 Edition Stephen Says Column

Dear Stephen,

What a NeoCon this year! When I was flying home from Chicago, I was sitting in the Delta Lounge and ran into someone I’d met in The Mart during the week. We got to chatting. They asked me what my big takeaway from NeoCon this year was. I have my answer, which, for the sake of my thumbs, I’ll keep to myself. But this had me thinking:

What is your big take away from NeoCon and Design Days 2023? What did you notice this year?

Every publication seems to have their overview of the show, inundated with product, but NeoCon is really about people – what’s happening? Did you see a lot of changes in the market? I always love your take on things.

Headed Home From NeoCon
Dear Homeward Bound,

First, I’m going to completely steer away from telling you anything I thought about the products or the showrooms, because there are enough columns, stories, and pictures on social media about that! I’ll start with a little NeoCon trivia: the first NeoCon was held in 1969. Can you believe it?

This year I was left with two takeaway impressions on the contract furniture industry by visiting almost every showroom in #TheMart during #NeoCon as well as all the showrooms on Fulton Street during #DesignDays.

My first takeaway is, no one ever seems to retire from the office furniture industry! Not only do they not retire, but they also get their kids in on the biz, and why shouldn’t they – the industry is full of smart, creative people, beautiful products, and good standards of living.  

Yes – the common thread of this year’s show was that I saw a lot of people commenting to me that this was their Fortieth NeoCon. I guess 1983 was a big entry year for many folks in contract furniture. What was particularly nice about that was that everyone seemed to appreciate and was enjoying being there. We work in an industry where, from a human resources point of view, very few people seem to get burnt or phased out. It felt good to see salespeople excited about design and the furniture they sell.

Let me be clear, there are many, many, young people coming into the industry, and they were everywhere. Smart manufacturers, big and small, are making room for a new generation of contract furniture salespeople. People are hiring and training new blood – no doubt about it.

My second takeaway from this year’s NeoCon and Design Days was the respect and appreciation that manufacturers have for Independent Rep organizations!

Whether the independent rep be a single practitioner or a larger company with several salespeople, it was clear that independent reps are the lifeblood of growing a manufacturer and keeping sales going. These are the unsung rockstars of our industry. They are revered by manufacturers, and they seemed to play a particularly prominent role in this year’s NeoCon.

Think about this; often the most successful salespeople have a yearning to own their own business, so they start or buy an independent rep firm. Now, because technology allows a small company to cover a wider market, while providing customers with comprehensive services, independent rep organizations are really thriving.   

For example: #Steelcase, one of the major players, purchased #Halcon last year, who made its own reputation through great design which is sold only through independent rep organizations. It shows Steelcase recognizes that even the best designs can only be sold if you have individuals who control the relationships with the #Gensler’s of the world. That may not always happen when you have a salaried employee resting on the laurels of their salary and the big brand behind them.

Meanwhile, if there is a downturn in the economy, companies using independent sales reps won’t be paying salaries or expensive benefits and therefore are going to come out on top. Another win-win for using independent reps. Some manufacturers use a combination of direct employees in some markets with independent reps in others.

Leaving NeoCon, I’m so happy to be in an industry that people love working in. An industry where people matter, where they can stay in it forever, even when they are not direct employees but independent partners, valued, and treated with respect by the manufacturers.

Guess what: it’s a great industry! We all work with good people, manufacturers, independent reps, and the dealers, and we should all appreciate that. Roll your eyes at me if you must, but I’ll say this - God Bless the Office Furniture Industry!
